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Tooth Grinding Appliances in Penrith

Tooth Grinding

person with jaw painTeeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a surprisingly common occurrence that often happens while asleep. Most people are unaware that they are grinding their teeth until their partner complains about the noise or they notice other effects, such as:

  • Earache
  • Jaw pain
  • Facial and neck pain
  • Sleep disturbances (for both you and your partner)
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold drinks

What Causes Teeth Grinding?

The most common reason for grinding is an attempt to compensate for an imperfect bite. This occurs when the upper and lower jaw come together, but the teeth don’t seem to fit comfortably, leading to subconscious efforts to force them into a proper bite (similar to chewing hard without food in your mouth).

You may also suffer from jaw clenching, which, when combined with grinding, can cause greater discomfort and damage to the teeth. Stress is also thought to be a contributing factor, as grinding often happens during sleep when you’re unaware of it.

As you try to compensate for the imperfect bite, you end up biting harder, causing damage to the enamel on your teeth. It becomes a vicious cycle – the harder you bite to make the teeth fit better, the more damage you cause by initially wearing down the tooth’s enamel and gradually wearing down the tooth itself.

Since most grinding occurs during sleep, the most common solution is the use of a night mouth guard to prevent such grinding. This helps reduce the pressure of tooth grinding and prevents further damage to your teeth. Your dentist may also be able to make adjustments to your teeth to achieve a better bite and reduce the subconscious effort you are making.

Naturally, if your tooth grinding is a result of stress, it would be advisable to learn relaxation techniques and stress management strategies.

Get in Touch

If you suspect you’re grinding your teeth, contact our experienced team at Smith Street Dental in Penrith to discuss treatment options, such as a custom-fitted night guard, and address the underlying cause.



Tooth Grinding Appliances Penrith NSW | 02 4732 1244